Saturday, February 28, 2009


So it's been over 2 and a half years and we've finally gotten around to paining the kitchen. We went out to Home Depot last night and picked up our supplies. We've chosen a Behr colour, specifically a green colour (pic to follow once we're done). From the looks of it after the first coat; it's going to look fantastic! Kris and I have a very efficient system down when it's comes to paining. She does the edges and I do the rest. She usually gets a wall head start and then I play catch-up.

We've also begun painting an accent wall in the Dinning Room. We'll finish that room off, hopefully, next weekend.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Crazy extremes!

When I woke up this morning it was +2C, at its peak today it was +7C. As of 4pm, it's -2C on its way to -20C overnight. Talk about a change in the weather. The temperature is going to drop 27 degrees over the course of 6 hours or so. With all the snow that melted today, it's going to be an ice rink by the time the temperature stops dropping. It's going to be a fun drive home this evening! Oh, how exciting!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Ottawa Traffic

Why does this city have the worst traffic in all of Canada? Coming in from the south of the city seems to be the worst (although you could make a very compelling argument that coming in from the East or West is just as bad). Add in snow or rain to the mix and generally your trip will be double in time, at a minimum.

To resolve this issue, is it a matter of widening all lanes on major arteries coming in from the South, East & West? Is it creating another form of public transportation - like a subway or train line? A train would be great but most of the track that was available back in the late '80's & 90's has been removed. This would have been great for an East-West rail line and help resolve the traffic problems on the Queensway.

The answer isn't an easy one and is one that city counselors will have to put at the top of their lists to try and find in a timely and cost effective manner.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Winter, February, Wednesday, Hump-day, Mid-week

Although it's only early on Wednesday morning, it feels as though it should be Friday. As of late, the weeks have been dragging, maybe it's the winter we've had, or that we're constantly on the go and the desire to sleep outweighs the desire to be awake. My point is that I cannot wait for the warm weather to arrive as I'm sick and tired of this winter.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where should we go for our next vacation?

Well, here we are, February 24, 2009, and for the first time in years, we do not have a vacation planned for the near future. I'm looking for ideas for our next trip. I would like it to be somewhere new and exciting and would be looking to take two weeks off work to explore this place. Any ideas?